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Source language
English The enduring mystery of the Anasazi Time-worn...
The enduring mystery of the Anasazi

Time-worn pueblos and dramatic „cliff towns” set amid the stark, rugged mesas and canyons of C. and N.M., mark the settlements of some of the earliest inhabitants of North America, the Anasazi (a Navajo word meaning „ancient ones”).
Thank you very much. :)

Completed translations
French Le mystère permanent des Anasazis...
Romanian Eternul mister al tribului Anasazi
Spanish El eterno misterio de los Anasazi
Source language
English Artisans such as cabinetmakers...
Artisans such as cabinetmakers had long been employed to produce, say, bedsteads, at so much per bed, and printers had been paid so much per pica of type set at least since the eighteenth century.
Thank you :)

Completed translations
French Les artisans, tels que les ébènistes...........
Spanish Los artesanos tales como los ebanistas ...
Romanian Artizani precum ebeniÅŸtii...
Source language
English Migration of electrode components during ohmic...
Migration of electrode components during ohmic
heating of foods in retort pouches
During space missions, life support technologies must satisfy mission constraints, including maximizing safety and acceptability of food and
minimizing crew time, storage volume, power, water usage, and maintenance down-time.

Completed translations
Romanian Migrarea compenenţelor electrodului în timpul ....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish hayırlı olsun adnancım sen çok ii bi insansın ve...
hayırlı olsun adnancım sen çok ii bi insansın ve allahım gönlüne göre versin çok duygulandım bi an

Completed translations
English Good luck with it my dear Adnan
Romanian Dragul meu Adnan, îţi urez să ai succes
Source language
English Feudalism, dependence on a local magnate...
Feudalism, dependence on a local magnate, had been superseded by nationalism, loyalty to the king and his central government, not only in E., but to some degree in F., S. and P. (G. and I. were to wait nearly another four centuries), and while H. was consolidating his power, C. was planting the Spanish flag in A., and Portuguese adventurers were doubling the Cape of Good Hope on their way to I. The little medieval world of Western Europe, of which E. had been the unprofitable fringe, was expanding into a globe on which she was a promontory thrust out towards a New World.

Completed translations
Spanish El feudalismo, dependencia de un señor local
Romanian Feudalismul, dependenţa de un senior local,,,,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Ständchen
Wir ham erfahr'n,
dass man heut' vor ein paar Jahr'n
den Zeitpunkt günstig fand
und dich kurzerhand entband.
Seitdem bist du auf der Welt.
Schön, dass es dir hier gefällt.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Wir wünschen Dir, dass lauter nette Leute
ganz besonders heute
ganz in deiner Nähe sind,
und dass sie dir vielleicht sogar was schenken,
und dass sie an dich denken,
denn du bist das Geburtstagskind.

Wir wünschen dir im neuen Lebensjahr,
dass das, was gut ist, bleibt, so wie es war,
und dass alles, was dich nervt,
sich zumindest nicht verschärft.

Wir wünschen dir, dass du an jedem Morgen
fröhlich, ohne Sorgen,
deinen neuen Tag beginnst,
und dass du zwar höchstwahrscheinlich nie
die Fernsehlotterie,
doch manchen neuen Freund gewinnst.

Wir wünschen dir im Sommer Sonnenschein,
im Winter soll es ohne Ende schnei'n,
und dass du, je nach dem, wie's ist,
passend angezogen bist!

Und dass viele Leute dich besuchen
und dir leck'ren Kuchen
bringen. Ja, das wär' uns Recht!
Wir hoffen, du sagst: „Heute ist ein Tag
ganz genau, wie ich ihn mag –
Geburtstag haben ist nicht schlecht!“

Und dass du auch in Zukunft ganz ohne Beschwerden
Freude hast am gepflegten Älterwerden.
Also, kurz gesagt – und darum sind wir hier - :
Wir gratulieren dir!
:) I love this song.

Completed translations
English Serenade
Source language
English Although the medieval state was by no means a...
Although the medieval state was by no means a welfare state, at least manor and guild were in some sort responsible for their members, but medieval collectivism was now giving place to individualism.
Moreover, the old nobility had almost destroyed itself in thirty years of internecine war –there was only one duke left at the end of H.’s reign – and the lord of the manor was now typically a country gentleman and justice of peace living quietly on the outskirts of a village in an unfortified manor house. In any event the new invention of gunpowder made fortifications almost as useless as the plate armour worn by knights in the late wars, and the king was the only man who could afford a train of cannon.

Completed translations
Romanian Deşi statul medieval nu era sub nici o formă....
Source language
Romanian Adolescenţii americani nu au cultură generală...
Adolescenţii americani nu au cultură generală
Foarte mulţi dintre adolescenţii americani nu ştiu cine este , sau chiar , arată un studiu despre cunoştinţele din istorie, literatură şi cultură generală ale tinerilor de 17 ani din . American Enterprise Institute, un centru de cercetare conservator, a realizat ancheta pe 1.200 de tineri. Aceştia au trebuit să răspundă la 33 de întrebări de cultură generală.

Completed translations
English American teenagers don’t have general education
Source language
Turkish iubire
Benim derdim bana yeter birde sen vurma
Bahar gitti fırtınalar eser başımda

Gülüm gülüm yetmez ölüm ben ölürüm vay
Etme gülüm, gitme gülüm ben ölürüm vay

Aşkın beni bir gül gibi soldurdu her gün
Yaralı bir ceylan gibi öldürdü her gün

Completed translations
Romanian iubire
Source language

se questo sogno si avverasse com'è
mi piacerebbe che accadesse con te
dove le stelle sono più grandi di noi...
ma ti puoi scegliere la stella che vuoi ed affidarle tutti questi nostri sogni impossibili....

Completed translations
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German sie haben anlasslich Ihres...
Sehr geehrter Kunde!

Sie haben anlässlich Ihres Krankenhausaufenthaltes Stützkrücken erhalten. Wir dürfen Ihnen mitteilen, dass die Kosten für diese, von Ihrer Krankenkasse nicht übernommen werden, da die Kosten unter dem gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Selbstbehalt von €26,20 brutto, liegen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.
<Umlauts added> italo07

Completed translations
Romanian Cu ocazia internării dumneavoastre
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Nemo me impune lacessit
Nemo me impune lacessit

Completed translations
Romanian Nimeni nu mă atacă fără a suporta consecinţele.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Neque leges neque senatus consulta ita scribi...
Neque leges neque senatus consulta ita scribi possunt ut omnes casus qui quandoque inciderint comprehendantur sed sufficit ea quae plerumque accidunt contineri

Completed translations
Romanian Nici legile ÅŸi nici actele Parlamentului nu pot fi scrise ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish mi bebe eres lo mejor q me ha pasado en la...
mi bebe eres lo mejor q me ha pasado en la vida..le doy gracias a Dios por ponerte en mi camino y alegrarme la vida con tu presencia....te amo

Completed translations
English My baby, you are the best thing that ...
French Mon bébé, tu es la meilleure chose qui me soit
Romanian Iubitul meu, eÅŸti cel mai bun lucru
30Source language30
German Mein schatz ich liebe dich mehr als alles andere...
schatz ich liebe dich mehr als alles andere auf dieser welt du bist mein leben ohne dich will ich nicht sein seitdem ich dich habe bin ich die glücklichste frau der welt ich will für immer mit dir zusammen bleiben und mit dir familie gründen denn du bist mein traummann
bei dem albanischen wäre es nett wenn es in tetavo(oder wie das geschrieben wird) übersezt wird!

Completed translations
Albanian Zemra ime te dua mashum se diqka tjeter
Portuguese brazilian Meu querido, eu amo voce mais do que qualquer coisa...
Russian Мой дорогой, я люблю тебя больше всего...
Portuguese Querido, amo-te mais do que qualquer coisa...
Romanian Iubitule, te iubesc mai mult decât ...
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